Friday 4 October 2019

Game Design

In this reading I learned about what games are, by 'definition' and what game design is. I learned there is no fixed way to describe what a game is, but the writer of this week's reading defines it as a "play activity with rules that involves conflict", but my favourite definition listed was "voluntary effort to overcome unnecessary obstacles". This is what makes most sense to me, as a player of many single player roleplaying games. The main elements to games are rules, resources, actions and a story.

Next, I learned a tip for starting the process of designing my own game by just drawing some things on a page. I was able to make an actual playable game within a few minutes with just a pen and paper. This shows how making simple games doesn't require money, a huge amount of creativity, or even much time.

I read that game designers are massive risk takers. In the reading it says;
-There is design risk, the risk that the game will not be fun and people won’t like it.
-There is implementation risk, the possibility that the development team will not be able to build the game at all, even if the rules are solid.
-There is market risk, the chance that the game will be wonderful and no one will buy it.

For making my own game, my first goal will be to have a playable prototype as early as possible in the development stage, and make it as non-complicated as possible. Something easy.

                                     Image result for grand theft auto with their actors
(Above: The 3 main playable characters in Grand Theft Auto V, 2013)

Items of interest:
A game design studio here in Ireland with some information on cool gaming events happening in the upcoming weeks

How To Make A Simple iPhone Game
I enjoyed checking this out and I definitely want to design an iPhone app or game in the future, so this was cool for me to see.

Video Game Trends 2019
I felt like this would be useful inspiration for coming up with some ideas for my own game.

1 comment:

  1. This blog post was a good way to break down the way your going to design your game. The way you made a game from using a pen and paper shows you are learning about game design. So these readings are helping you and this can be seen from your post. This post was an interesting read because I way able to learn more about the reading from your post.
    Jamie Gannon


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